
Small Art Objects: Fire For Effect
This book presents the works of 80 artists from 20 different countries that express the theme: “Fire For Effect”. These works were exhibited during the fourth A.I.R. Vallauris benefit event Small Art Objects.The book is written in both English and French. It includes biographies and photos of the works of the 80 participating artists. The size of the book is 148mm X 210mm X 7 mm.The price of the book is 25 euros. It can be purchased in the Gallery Aqui Siam Ben and also ordered online from the A.I.R. Vallauris website.

SAO-2013-Catalogue-Cover-we Small Art Objects: In Movement
This book presents the works of 100 artists from 28 different countries that express the theme: “In Movement”. These works were exhibited during the third A.I.R. Vallauris benefit event Small Art Objects.The book is 138 pages and is written in both English and French. It includes biographies and photos of the works of the 100 participating artists. The size of the book is 148mm X 210mm X 7 mm.The price of the book is 25 euros. It can be purchased in the Gallery Aqui Siam Ben and also ordered online from the A.I.R. Vallauris website.
Catalogue: Small Art Objects - Relating to Blue Small Art Objects: Relating to Blue, Book
This  book presents 168 works of 100 artists from 26 different countries that express the theme: “Relating to Blue”. These works were exhibited during the second A.I.R. Vallauris benefit event Small Art Objects.The book is 130 pages and is written in both English and French. It includes biographies and photos of the works of the 100 participating artists. The size of the book is 148mm X 210mm X 7 mm.The price of the book is 25 euros. It can be purchased in the Gallery Aqui Siam Ben and also ordered online from the A.I.R. Vallauris website.
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4 Croatian Ceramic Artists in Vallauris – Catalogue
The Festival of Croatia in France “Croatie, le Voici” took place from September to December 2012.

In recognition of our experience and competence in the field of international cultural exchange, A.I.R. Vallauris was given the honour of participating in the event and in turn played host to four Croatian ceramic artists: Salvaro Hanibal, Ðurđica Horvat, Mladen Ivančić and Marinko Jelača.

Written in English and French, this catalogue documents the residency projects of the Croatian artists as well as the works presented at the exhibition at the Espace Grandjean in Vallauris at the end of residency.

The price of the catalogue is 10 euros. It can be purchased in the Gallery Aqui Siam Ben and also online through our website. Worldwide delivery is possible.